At Andalucia4you we place our selves in your place in case you are looking to sell by finding you a buyer who pays a realistic price for your property, the property which you had chosen once to be your home.
Good preparation is half the work. Make sure your paperwork is in place and up to date.
Read further more about DAFO, which documents are required for the completion and the selling costs.
What is my House worth? Contact us for a free photo session and pre-valuation of your property.
We believe that communication is at the heart of everything. We realise that selling a property can be an emotional and therefore difficult moment. Please feel free to communicate your wishes and ideas with us.
Start advertising your property - no sale no fee concept-.
Your property will be at extensive exposure through our web site connected to the most popular search engines. Andalucia4you has direct access to a great cosmopolitan partner´s network and clients database to give you an opportunity to advertise your property for free in-and-outside of Europe as well as through local magazines and social media networks. With the help of our navigation we match the houses to potential buyers and we can therefore often help both buyers and sellers with a successful sale.
At this step we will be conducting viewings on your behalf, including communication with solicitors and surveyors if required.
Ask us for additional services for exclusive sellers only.
Buyer is found? If yes, congratulations! At this step we will be preparing a reservation agreement which includes the time frame for the completion. Reed more about the documents required for the completion at the Notary and the Legal services.
Thinking of selling your property? Book your free photo session and pre-valuation, today. We look forward to assisting you on your way to an optimal sale.
Please feel free to book your free pre-valuation. If you require any further specific information please contact us or make an appointment at our office in Caleta de Vélez. We look forward to hearing from you.